Friday, June 26, 2009

RIP Michael Jackson

Let's not forget that before he grew into a terrifying reflection of America's perversions, Michael Jackson was a beautiful child with an angelic voice. And kids will always be cute.


itsdusty@thetop said...

hi john, your blog is plum boring- i know you are much more delightful in person,let me know if you want to get in touch- my boyfriend and i are planning a trip to ny -oh by the way- hope you don't hate me!! i don't hate u--so take that- and i would love to see you.

John McCloskey said...

Hi Jeanne,
Thanks for getting in touch and for the commentary on my blog. Sorry it's so neglected and all.

I don't hate you. But the fact is, I'm not exactly sure which Jeanne you are. Um. . .awkward.

John McCloskey said...

Jeanne, if you want to drop me an email, my address is